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Coating and Cathodic


Design and execution of cathodic protection systems

In this field, ABDI-GROUP provides the following services with the support of qualified and experienced experts.

oil and pipelines images

Design of cathodic protection systems

Design of cathodic protection systems of buried structures (oil, gas, petrochemical and water pipelines, power lines and metal gas supply networks, tanks, valves, etc.) with impressed current methods, sacrificial anodes systems, closed anodes ground beds and cathodic protection hybrid systems and preparation of basic design documents and detail design documents, based on the provisions of valid references and standards.


Supply of cathodic protection items (procurement)

Supply of all equipment required for cathodic protection systems from reliable internal and external supplier.

cathodic protection equipment

Construction of cathodic protection systems

cathodic protection station

Construction of cathodic protection stations in accordance with IPS standard drawings and relevant design documents

cathodic protection station 2

Construction control and monitoring equipment of cathodic protection systems on pipelines and stations (potential test points, connection points, corrosion coupons, ...), in accordance with IPS standard drawings and relevant design documents.


Inspection of cathodic protection systems equipment

equipment inspection

Preparation of inspection Test Plan (ITP) for cathodic protection equipment

equipment inspection 2

Inspection of cathodic protection equipment in accordance with inspection procedures (ITP) and relevant standards (sampling, making samples, supervision on tests according to test methods and getting results)

Preparation of inspection report in accordance with EN 10204 and analysis of results based on the criteria characterized in the relevant standards

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Inspection and supervision of coating rehabilitation projects


Inspection and supervision of the process of coating rehabilitation projects in accordance with the provisions of the contract documents


Inspection of coating material, in accordance with the Coating Inspection procedure (ITP) and relevant standards (sampling, making sample, supervision on tests in accordance with test methods and preparation of inspection report in accordance with EN 10204 and analysis of the results)


Performing all quality control tests at the site and preparing inspection report


Inspection and supervision of construction projects of cathodic protection systems

Inspection and supervision of the construction of cathodic protection stations and equipment for control and monitoring of cathodic protection systems on pipelines and stations in accordance with IPS standard drawings and relevant design documents.

equipment inspection

Analyzing the results of pipe to soil potential readings and cathodic protection stations data

equipment inspection 2

Inspection of factory coatings and under construction weld coatings of pipelines and stations and preparing inspection report

Inspection of painting of above ground piping

inspecting of corrosion defects reported by ILI and preparing inspection report (pit gauge and 3D scan)

Operation, maintenance and repair of cathodic protection systems


Measurement and adjustment of drain point potential, voltage and current of transformer rectifiers


Measurement of pipe to soil potential of pipelines and piping


Repair and Maintenance of cathodic protection systems( cathodic protection systems and control and monitoring of cathodic protection systems on pipelines and stations)


Supplying all parts of transformer rectifiers and repairing.


Rehabilitate of Anode ground beds
