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Process Units


Process Units

ABDI-GROUP Relying on the knowledge of its founders in the field of oil, gas and petrochemical processes, conducting feasibility studies for Mini-Plants, also provides design, construction and commissioning services for these units.

The company is also providing project executive managing by highly skilled experts in this field

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Training Courses

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    Process Engineer Courses

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    Providing ESD, UDD, P&ID, PFD Maps

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    Chemical plants simulation : AspenHysis, PRO II

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    Heat Exchanger and Air cooler Simulation: EDR, HTRI

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    Fluid Distribution simulation: OLGA, Pipesim, Pipephase, OLGA

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    Surge Study AFT Impulse

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    Steam & Condensate Network , Cooling Water Network

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    Pressure Safety & Relief Valves (PSVs & PRVs), Blow Down Valves (BDVs) ,Flare Network
